At this year's Music and Drama Education Awards, Listen Imagine Compose Primary won the award for Excellence in Primary/Early Years. Here, the project's principal architects – Martin Fautley of Birmingham City University and Nancy Evans of Birmingham Contemporary Music Group – outline the work that was done and why
BCMG musician Bridget Carey interpreting graphic scores composed by children in Birmingham
BCMG musician Bridget Carey interpreting graphic scores composed by children in Birmingham - Kate Green

For many years now, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group (BCMG) and Birmingham City University (BCU) have been cooperating, working with children and young people composing music and researching this. LICP evolved from a myriad of previous composing projects, including a secondary-age iteration of LIC and projects out of school. It is one of very few longitudinal projects or studies of children composing in primary schools in the UK or elsewhere.

Funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, LICP was a collaboration between BCMG, BCU, Sound and Music, Birmingham Music Education Partnership, Bristol Beacon and the participating schools. It was a two-year action research project in primary schools in Birmingham and Bristol, involving nine composers working in eight schools. They worked alongside class teachers and school music leads to support 480 children, initially in Year 4 and then in Year 5, to compose music.

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