
How to prepare, mark and moderate GCSE Music coursework

With 30 years’ experience under her belt, Liz Dunbar is well placed to offer advice on preparing, marking, and moderating music coursework at GCSE. Here, she does just that, with plenty of practical takeaways.
 Before asking students to embark on any controlled conditions coursework, they need to be equipped with the fundamental tools of the trade
Before asking students to embark on any controlled conditions coursework, they need to be equipped with the fundamental tools of the trade - M-Production

Music GCSE differs from many other GCSE subjects in that coursework carries more than half the marks awarded for the qualification. As a subject leader, taking on the responsibility for the preparation, marking and moderating of coursework needs careful planning and consideration. One of the best pieces of advice I have ever had is to not work in isolation.

Know your course inside out. Talk to experienced colleagues both locally and nationally. Engage with your local exam board adviser, music hub, teacher network, and national associations. Join online chat groups and ask questions. There are a lot of good people out there who are happy to help.

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