It won't have escaped your attention that podcasts have become more and more popular over the last few years. I remember when they were just starting out and it was quite an organic and changing landscape. Now, podcasts are huge, with companies charging premium rates for ad-free content and early releases.
It strikes me that we therefore have an opportunity in schools to get students creating podcasts – and the music department is the place to start. But how do you launch a podcast in your music department and what do you need to make it a success?
The first thing you need to do is get inspired by listening to some of the great podcasts available. There is the obvious go-to podcast for music teachers, Teaching Notes, which is a Music Teachers Association podcast for music teachers. But there are also podcasts for every topic you can imagine and so much to discover that will help your students. The Listening Service is a particular favourite of mine, made by BBC Radio 3.
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