
Making Music streamlines child performance licensing

The Making Music Safe scheme will provide member leisure-time music groups with a low admin pathway to securing a BOPA, as well as additional training to increase safeguarding.
Adobe Stock / Anna Jurkovska

The UK’s membership association for leisure-time music groups, Making Music, has launched a new service called Making Music Safe (MMSafe). The service is designed to make it easier for members to include young people in performances by opting into a national licensing scheme. 

Currently, all leisure-time music groups require a license or an exception called a ‘Body of Persons Approval’ (BOPA); this comes from the secretary of state for education or a local authority, and usually covers more than one child. 

When these are issued, different local authorities can ask for different information, or can mandate the use of licensed chaperones which can create a significant administrative burden for music groups. 

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