
Model music curriculum for KS1-3 announced by Department for Education

Originally set to be published in 2019, the model for music has been described by the Music Teachers' Association’s president as showing ‘a curriculum pathway that will lead to further study at GCSE and A Level’.

The Department for Education (DfE) has today published the Model Music Curriculum for KS1, 2 and 3, promising a ‘rich variety of music’ and a £80m investment in music education.

Long-awaited and originally expected in the summer of 2019, the curriculum model comes as the National Plan for Music Education remains on hold due to COVID-19. 

Calling for a ‘musical renaissance’ across England’s schools, the non-statutory guidance expects a minimum of one hour’s classroom music per week from Year 1 to Year 9 and is hoped to reduce workload for teachers by providing a ‘structured outline’ and case studies. 

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