
Music & Physical Disability conference is announced

The event is expected to attract musicians, music educators, instrument designers and instrument makers from across the globe
Valerie Thomforde testing out an accessible violin idea created by Lia Mice
Valerie Thomforde testing out an accessible violin idea created by Lia Mice

An international conference on Music & Physical Disability will take place on 15 and 16 March at Birmingham City University’s City South Campus.

The event will explore barriers to music-making faced by people with physical disabilities, including the design and ongoing production of instruments to wide-ranging issues around performing. Presentations will include a demonstration of recently developed instrument designs. Among the contributors will be disabled musicians as well as instrument makers, academic researchers from many different disciplines, teachers, charities, funders, and government agencies.

The conference is being delivered by music disability charity The OHMI Trust, in collaboration with Birmingham City University and Imperial College London, and with sponsorship from The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). It builds on the inaugural OHMI Conference in 2018, which attracted international representation and speakers from five continents.

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