
Knowledge exchange: August 2023 Editorial

‘Accessible to all, inclusive of all’

That's it: term's over and the well-earned break awaits. I remember that shock to the system, of the sudden empty classroom, the silence(!) and the days it takes to adjust. Whatever you're doing, I hope it's restful, a welcome change and presents opportunities to recharge.

This month's MT focuses on access and inclusion, and features lived experience of established educators. Tolu McCarthy gives a personal account of growing up as a black music student and training as a teacher, revealing biases around pathways and styles of music, and author Karen Marshall shares her knowledge of neurodiversity, its many forms and how we can support students. The focus continues with Quick Tips, a brand-new column sharing practical advice in bite-size chunks for time-poor teachers (is there any other kind?). Quick Tips this month is on teaching deaf children, courtesy of Emma Hutchinson, another gifted educator with first-hand experience. My thanks to all three contributors for openly sharing such insights.

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