AMS: I started teaching English as an additional language about 35 years ago. I soon became curious about why some of my learners weren't making the progress we expected, so I started investigating dyslexia, to understand how differently people can learn. I then qualified as a dyslexia assessor. In 2005 I set up ELT well (eltwell.com), to bring together the two fields of English Language Teaching and supporting neurodiverse learners. In 2024 I qualified as a speech and language therapist as well, and now I'm working with autistic adults.
AMS: Visitors to our stall will find some information about neurodiversity and how it can affect people learning to play and read music. It's also a great opportunity to see In Tune With You, the new piano course that Yvette French is developing. It's designed with neurodiverse learners in mind; it includes a lot of multisensory activities, and simple, concrete ways of introducing musical concepts.
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