On Day 2 of the Music & Drama Education Expo, Stephanie Warrender will be leading a workshop on the Laulau Songdrawing Method: a cross-curricular, multi-sensory activity originating from Finland. We meet her to find out more.

SW: Passionate, organised, caring.

SW: The Laulau Songdrawing Method is a multi-sensory activity in which singing, drawing, movement and storytelling are combined in a holistic and interactive process. During the workshop, we will look at how Songdrawing supports children in cross-curricular learning and how it offers inclusivity and interactivity. I’ll be sharing my knowledge about how Songdrawing can support Early Years and primary, neurodiversity, positive touch, linguistic skills, and much more. We will also be drawing and singing together, as I feel the best form of learning is ‘doing’. I’ll be talking mainly from a pedagogical point of view, but also about how the methods can work within therapy.

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