
Tech reviews: (music ed app)

Dale Wills reviews, a versatile way of making the connection between theory and live music

Every September, the news is peppered with a sprinkling of stories about schools who have banned mobile phones. These are usually met with a mixture of consternation and righteous indignation. What is usually missing in these polemics is any nuanced debates around the use of devices in the classroom, leaving out the complexities of how technology can both hinder and enhance learning. Are these bans a step towards improving focus, or do they overlook the potential benefits of integrating technology into education?

Music theory is an area that has been revolutionised by technology over the last few years. I have recently been trialling with my students, and the results have been impressive. Students’ understanding of theory has improved, not just on a conceptual level but also through practical application – something often missing in traditional approaches to music theory. is a platform designed to connect theory with real music-making, and this has been key in making theory lessons more engaging and effective.

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